Youth Justice Programs

Extrajudicial Sanctions Program

The Extrajudicial Sanctions Program is a means to divert young persons who are charged, away from formal criminal proceedings and into a program of rehabilitation. Examples of extrajudicial sanctions include: community work, personal service work, apology letters, an apology in person, essay/crime prevention projects, restitution, and/or participation in life skill programming such as anger management or life skills programming.

For more information please contact Jill Dallaire at (905) 404-5700 or

Restorative Justice Program (Extrajudicial Measures)

Funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, the Restorative Justice Program is a pre-charge program that allows the police to address the actions of young persons without utilizing the formal youth justice system. This innovative police/community partnership is designed to hold the young person accountable to the person harmed in the offence.

For more information please contact Krystal Fletcher at 289-927-6530 or

Youth Justice Committee

The Youth Justice Committee is a Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services program. It provides an alternative to formal court proceedings when dealing with young people alleged to have committed minor offences. The Youth Justice Committees involves trained community members who meet the person(s) harmed, accused young person, and their parents/caregivers, to negotiate an appropriate way for the young person to make amends for his or her actions. The Youth Justice Committee provides an increased opportunity for persons harmed and the broader community to have a role in dealing with offenses committed by young persons.

For more information please contact Jill Dallaire at (905) 404-5700 or

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